Showing posts with label democracy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label democracy. Show all posts

Saturday, 21 January 2017

What to do now that the election is over and there is a new President

“A perfect democracy, a ‘warm body’ democracy in which every adult may vote and all votes count equally, has no internal feedback for self-correction. It depends solely on the wisdom and self-restraint of citizens… which is opposed by the folly and lack of self-restraint of other citizens.”

Time Enough For Love, Lazarus Long. (R. Heinlein)
The rest is ridiculously long and political: the TL;DR version- its not over whether you believe you are on the winning side or losing side.
[FULL DISCLOSURE: I am a US citizen but I live in Canada- so I have some distance (and protection) from the consequences of the election]

Some thoughts on the election and what democracy means in the age of social media:

If you voted for Trump because the political establishment has consistently let you down- your job isn’t over. 
The establishment is still firmly entrenched in the Senate and the House. If you truly believe that politics as usual is so unacceptable as to elect an outsider like Trump then you need to hold the establishment senators and congressman accountable through engaging with them, ensuring they know that they must change their behaviour and actually work for the disenfranchised not just big money donors. Otherwise, frankly you are a hypocrite whom has been led like a sheep.
If you voted for Clinton because you wanted change- your job isn’t done as long as you breath, you should fight for change.
 Pragmatism can be an effective weapon for change. The GOP was not given a blank check and constituents in states that went to Trump need to hold the government accountable as and ensure that anything that is passed is for everyone not just the minority of the same folks as before if there is no oversight you can bet that it will only be to the benefit of lobbyists.
If you voted against Clinton because your sick of corruption and a political system that is weighted to insiders- your job isn’t over. 
The system is corrupt, politicians routinely put their own interests above those of their constituents especially those they deem as “not their kind.” Hold “your” representatives responsible for what is best for your whole neighborhood not just your race or political party or your economic class.
If you voted against Trump because of the disgusting, sometimes racist, sometimes misogynist things that he has said- job isn’t over. 
Don’t fall into the same language and lack of self-awareness that you voted against. If you truly believe that morals and civility are important- embody that belief. Take the hard road of thinking before speaking, of attempting to understand that words have the power to hurt those that already lack power. Teach your kids that there is a wide chasm between respectful straightforward discourse and “political correctness.”
If you voted for a third-party candidate because the idea of choosing between an entrenched establishment candidate and the “alt-right” business tycoon was so distasteful you had to protest- your job isn’t done. 
If you want a real third party choice, you can’t just vote every four years. There must candidates that can articulate why a reasonable number of people who currently identify as either Democrats or Republicans what is “in it for them.”
If you didn’t vote because of apathy or sloth- congrats you get to shut the fuck up for the next four years. You are part of the problem. Get off your ass, educate your self on the issues that are important to you and vote accordingly based on your conscience.
If you didn’t vote because you are disenfranchised or have had your rights put beyond your means- don’t give in to depression.
Make your case, provide evidence but don’t let them label you as an animal or sub-human but respectful and dignified even in the face of disrespect and hate. Allies can be won by evidence and promoting shared values not by anger and insults.
Basically, if you think simply voting and then bitching about it on Facebook or Twitter has fulfilled your civic duty and you can go back to not caring, your wrong. If it wasn’t clear before the election that “We the people” need to ensure that politicians work together to govern the whole country rather than simply do what polls best with their party – it should be now.
The political establishment won at every phase of this election because no one held them accountable. Neither party has very good ideas for a better future but maybe- if both sides governed and compromised good things can happen. It is how America became great politicians knew that if they went back to their districts without having done something other than block bills and vote on the same one or two political issues over and over again they would get turfed.
Governing cannot be seen as a war to be won. Wars can only be won if you kill more of the opposition than you lose. That is not what makes democracy happen, it is the continual balancing of the rights of the majority with the protection of the minority- it is the idea that individual opportunity should not be tied to economic, racial or geographic hurdles. Right now to everyone except the super-rich and the politically connected the US doesn’t feel like a real democracy or the land of opportunity.